20-22 Aug 2025

Move Forward in Material Handling with AirRob from LIBIAO 

Modern logistics entrepreneurs can maximize productivity and reduce operation costs, space usage and energy consumption through modern innovation, which is what Libiao Robotics Holdings Pte Ltd. can offer with their AirRob system.

The AirRob system is a robotic tote handling system that achieves efficient and intensive pick & store, and delivery of totes. It is also compatible with most current racks and floors, the aisle width can be as narrow as 0.85m, so the AirRob system saves floor space, increases the number of racks and significantly expands storage capacity. With AirRob system deployed, totes can be moved from racks to workstations by Floorbot, which is a kind of AMR. One unit of AirRob can pair with multiple Floorbots, hence the delivery of totes can achieve very high flowrate, such that one workstation can achieve 600 inbounds and 600 outbounds of totes per hour.

Come explore the advantages of AirRob from Libiao Robotics Holdings Pte Ltd. to raise the level of your innovation in the warehouse and increase ROI at TILOG - LOGISTIX 2024!